Today's Round Up!
Well it seems that the left got there way in clamoring until NSC Advisor Condi Rice is allowed to testify before the 9/11 Commission. One good point in the matter is that the White House Counsel did negotiate a provision that this would not set any precedent for future and current NSC Advisors.
The Washington Post Editorial today made some really good points today about how the current trend of National Security Team members writing tell all books can truly hinder a presidents choices, and decision making is bound to suffer.
"Richard A. Clarke's book criticizing the administration, while stimulating an important public debate, brings this concern into sharp relief. If career national security officials write tell-all accounts while the presidents they serve not only remain in office but are facing reelection, decision-making is bound to suffer. Presidents are more likely to surround themselves with political loyalists, depriving themselves of diverse ideas and valuable experience. Staff members are more likely to censor themselves for fear of later exposure."
This from a paper who normal doesn't side with President Bush!
A couple of disturbing stories from the weekend that seems to be pointing to a very scary trend from the Democrats and the liberal left groups who oppose the president. It now seems that the Dem's and these groups have decided if you cannot compete in an exchange of issues then it is time to resort to violence to achieve your quest for power.
First fellow blogger Matt Margolis was assaulted by anti-bush demonstrators and union thugs supporting John Kerry outside the President's appearance in Boston (John Kerry's hometown, one of many) last week. You can read more about this physical attack at Matt's Blog Here.
The second disturbing incident is the assault on Presidential Advisor Karl Rove's home in DC. A group of well organized Democratic operatives stormed Mr. Rove's yard and began to bang on window's , door's and the house all the while trampling on his private residence in a very violent way. You can read the story at news report from the Washington Post Here.
One last item it seems that the public is finally seeing through to the real John Kerry as the latest CNN/USATODAY/GALLUP Poll shows. You can try to hide it but liberal always shows through.
Recently I was involved in a long running and major discussion on another blog. It is really amazing that when the left runs out of items to retort with and the arguments cannot hold water anymore they decide it is time to delete and discontinue the debate. So much for intellectual honesty.
All for now.
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