Saturday, April 10, 2004

Clinton Lies Under Oath, Again!

Bill Clinton has lied under oath again. While testifying under oath to the 9/11 Commission former President Clinton has been consistent with his past practice of lying under oath. It seems that Mr. Clinton now says that he was not offered Osama bin Laden by the Sudanese while in office, thought he is on recorded and recorded on tape saying he was offered him from the Sudan (listen to the recording here)

IN an interview with WDAY Fargo, ND radio host Scott Hennen set to be broadcast Monday former Senator Bob Kerrey, the same guy who this week read on national TV and Radio a Classified presidential intelligence Document without authorization to do so, stated that was a misqoute and that the commission had no evidence of this statement from Bill Clinton. Matt Margolis has a great piece on this whole story over on his blog.

I think that anyone who watch even the smallest portion of the Condi Rice Testimony this week saw Senator Kerrey's real motives come through during his questioning and this is just further evidence of his and other members of the commission effort to smear the President and this administration.


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